A Toolkit to Call my Own
>> Sunday, February 26, 2006
Yesterday I received my letter officially acknowledging my application and containing my Applicant Toolkit information. I logged in and saw my application status and the checklist to nomination:
Our recruiter e-mailed us two days ago to say that he sent the supplement to the application--including the fingerprint form, the agency check form (which is a background check consent, I think), and skill addenda. The addenda are online to look at, so I am hoping I'll receive Education, Community Services, and maybe even Urban Youth Development. While that paperwork is due March 15, the recruiter said we can turn them in to him personally when we see him for our interview on Wednesday--just 3 days away! I hope they arrive in time to give them to him. I'm also not sure why it says they haven't received any of my recommendation forms; I know that all three were submitted more than a week ago, but it probably just takes time for them all to be sorted to where they need to be.
My hope is that by Wednesday the rest of those boxes will be ready to be checked!