Lists of things
>> Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Unfortunately I had to update my list of things that have been stolen from me so far on Friday. I stopped at a restaurant (in what I now realize is the "bad part" of Masaya) to look at the menu and left my bike alone for maybe two minutes and when I turned around it was gone. I think I had that bike for about a month or two but it's gone. There are probably 30,000 blue bikes in Masaya so I don't really think the police are going to be much of a resource.
I know I've posted this picture recently but it's the only one I have of my bike. The description that I've given everyone is that it's blue with Shimano stickers. I'm pretty sure it's gone.
My list of things stolen is:
- Basil plants (x2)
- Bikes (x2)
- Bike locks (x2)
- Handkerchief (stolen off of the clothesline)