Housekeeping Post
>> Tuesday, July 10, 2007
For some reason, a couple of our recent posts weren't included in the nightly e-mail feeds that are sent out... if you subscribe to the blog by e-mail, you might visit the blog to see if you missed anything. We've figured out the glitch now, so there shouldn't be any more missed posts.
For a slightly more interesting update, training is starting to wind down... classes finished on Thursday and we had a free day last Saturday so nearly our entire group went to the beach (on the Pacific side) and had a great time. Sunday we left for our our "site visit" in Masaya to get a taste of what our service will be like. We will be able to find a house in Masaya to live in together, but for the first six weeks we will be living with one of my counterparts (a Nicaraguan English teacher) to help us get acquainted. Our assignments during the site visit are to meet our other counterparts, visit our schools, and try to find our way around.
We'll get back to our training towns on Wednesday, we have our final language interviews on Thursday, then one last weekend with my training family before we all go to Managua for a few days of last-minute sessions to get us ready to be out on our own. Then we swear in on Friday, July 20 and we will officially be Peace Corps Volunteers!