Our downfall is that we got our hopes up prematurely. Our placement officer said she would get to us early this week and get an invitation out to us by the middle of the week, but it's Friday and no invitation is on its way yet.
I e-mailed our placement officer this morning just to double check, and found out that the in-country staff didn't approve either of us to be teacher trainers, and so our placement officer is waiting to hear back from them about being secondary ed English teachers; this is fine with me, as I'm not really sure either of us are experienced enough to be teaching teachers and since I think I'd like to work with kids. She said in the e-mail that "it's a matter of sites," which I hope means that we will (eventually) get an invitation, and that it's just a matter of what/where. She said she sent the in-country staff a reminder yesterday and asked them to get back to her by March 12, but that she hopes to hear from them much earlier than that. She also said that the close date for the invitations is actually March 19, not the 11th as we originally thought, but she said she will fill the program before that deadline (which I hope means that she'll get invitations out to us long before the 19th, and not that the program could fill up without us while she's still waiting to hear from the in-country staff).
Our placement officer has been really nice, responds really quickly to e-mails, and seems to be giving us as much information as she can, so I'm very pleased with that and I know she's doing as much as she can as quickly as she can. I can only hope that the delays are due to Nica time and that we'll hear something soon!