>> Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I said that my room isn´t really that loud. That´s a lie. It´s pretty loud sometimes. There´s a mechanic that works right across the street from my room and I think sometimes at like 4 in the morning someone comes and knocks on his giant metal door but he has to get out of bed and go open the door so the person knocks for like 3 minutes. That definitely wakes me up.
One of the most popular forms of advertising here is for a guy with HUGE speakers mounted on the roof of his car to drive around blaring some message (churches use it a lot and apparently they announce funerals that way, too). I do feel sort of lucky, though, because I don´t have any roosters in close proximity and my neighbors might be too old to have a strong affinity for the apparently very popular reggaeton. It will be interesting to see how much I´ve gotten accustomed to in a year or two. Va pue. My time is almost up. Nos vemos.