
>> Sunday, February 25, 2007

If I didn't know we were so close, I'd be somewhat depressed:
It was, apparently, 12 months ago that I got my Toolkit information and set my password, and now that password has expired and I had to set a new one. I hope it will be somewhat of a waste, though, in that I won't be waiting for those Applicant Status Updates for much longer!



>> Friday, February 23, 2007

Just one day after complaining about my impatience, I was rewarded with news from our placement officer! She called and said that she's been reviewing our files and sent our information along to the "post" (which I think is the staff in-country); each post has to approve each individual couple, and they asked her for more information about my teaching experience. She said that they wanted more information about the hours per week and months per year that I taught during my experiences like JBA and my ESL practicum. She also said that we're still nominated for teaching positions in Central or South America and that she hopes to have an invitation to us by early next week! She said our program leaves the last week of April.

I e-mailed her the information ASAP and was also able to tell her about my substitute teaching and homebound teaching since I did that long after I filled out my skills addenda. She responded to say that she'd send along that information; she didn't think the overseas staff would get it until Monday, but said she'd get back to us ASAP. She also said, "This is a GREAT post and a GREAT project, so feel good about your future invitations and we'll be speaking shortly!" That definitely makes me feel GREAT!

I'm a little confused about why she wanted the extra information--she didn't need anything from Paul and she specifically said she didn't need any more information about my tutoring experiences. She didn't make it sound like my invitation was at stake based on my teaching experience or anything like that, so I'm not really worried. Now even though I don't have to be worried about if we're going to get invitations, I'm even more excited to actually get them!



>> Thursday, February 22, 2007

Today marks six weeks since we received medical clearance--so for the next 14 days, I'm sure I'll be nervous with excitement since the window our placement officer gave us for hearing official news was 6 to 8 weeks after we were cleared. Even last night my nervousness began... I dreamed that I received an e-mail from the Peace Corps telling me that because I have library books that are due today (which is true in real life), we can't receive an invitation. I had a second dream in which I received an e-mail from Peace Corps Director Tschetter that contained a link to a You Tube video. In the video, Tschetter was explaining to us that we were disqualified because our files didn't get the correct sticker on them; he had no idea how we could have gotten so far without the appropriate label on the file, but we'd have to begin the application process all over again because of it.

I think this has been the most difficult part of the waiting so far, probably because we're so close to knowing something definite and being done with the whole application process. Even though it took much longer to get nominated, waiting wasn't that difficult because we had no idea where we'd be going or when we'd be leaving; now that I know the invitation close date for the program for which we were nominated is in 17 days, I worry that something like a missing sticker will throw a wrench in the works.

I also think we're having trouble being patient because it seems like it should be so easy just to pop our invitation in the mail... if we're correct that we're headed to Nicaragua since it has the only TEFL program in Latin America, it's not as if the placement officer really has to spend a lot of time deciding which TEFL program in Latin America to send us to.

I also realize, however, that just because our PO said it's usually 6 to 8 weeks doesn't mean that I am guaranteed to know anything 14 days from now... until we do, I'm going to try to be as patient as possible and I'm going to return those library books!


Happy Anniversary?

>> Friday, February 09, 2007

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of me officially submitting my Peace Corps application, though it was in October 2004--nearly two and a half years ago--that we decided that we were going to join the Peace Corps. Even in just the last year, a lot has changed: we both graduated, got married, moved back to our home town, and started new jobs. I can only hope that we're nearing the finish line of this whole process!

We did actually get some encouraging news today--Paul was contacted by a placement assistant to ask for his final transcript (after I was worried about sending mine in when I graduated a month ago, we forgot to send his in for 9 months!). He faxed it in quickly and the assistant's e-mail said that once she received the transcript, she would pass our files on to our placement officer for a "final assessment." I'm hopeful that our placement officer will get to our files soon so that we'll remain well ahead of the "6 to 8 weeks after medical clearance" timeline. Only time will tell!


Hurry up and Wait

>> Sunday, February 04, 2007

Well, this isn't the good news post I had hoped for... just more of the same 'ole waiting. I decided that since it had been 3 weeks since we've been medically cleared, I would e-mail our placement officer (PO) to ask about sending in my final transcript to prove that I actually graduated from college (his name was listed on the nomination letter we got from our recruiter). He e-mailed me back promptly at 9:00 the next morning, answered my question, told me that we should hear from the placement office between 2 and 4 weeks after being medically cleared, and also told me that he wasn't our PO and gave me the name and e-mail of the woman who is.

I'm not really sure why we switched POs... at first I was worried that our nomination had changed and that we were no longer headed to Latin America, but when I got an e-mail back from our new PO, her signature said that she's in charge of the Middle East, North Africa, and Central and South America, so that keeps us on target. Unfortunately, her e-mail also said "Once your files have been screened here in Placement, I'll then review you for invitations. Our placement assistant may contact you if any information is still needed. We usually arrange placement six to eight weeks after medical clearance."

That part was a disappointment... the first PO told us it would be 2 to 4 weeks, and now it's 6 to 8. I'm hopeful that since I sent her my final transcript the placement assistant won't need any extra information and there won't be any extra delays.

Eight weeks from the date of our medical clearance puts us at March 8, so we'll try to be patient until then.


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