Well, this isn't the good news post I had hoped for... just more of the same 'ole waiting. I decided that since it had been 3 weeks since we've been medically cleared, I would e-mail our placement officer (PO) to ask about sending in my final transcript to prove that I actually graduated from college (his name was listed on the nomination letter we got from our recruiter). He e-mailed me back promptly at 9:00 the next morning, answered my question, told me that we should hear from the placement office between 2 and 4 weeks after being medically cleared, and also told me that he wasn't our PO and gave me the name and e-mail of the woman who is.
I'm not really sure why we switched POs... at first I was worried that our nomination had changed and that we were no longer headed to Latin America, but when I got an e-mail back from our new PO, her signature said that she's in charge of the Middle East, North Africa, and Central and South America, so that keeps us on target. Unfortunately, her e-mail also said "Once your files have been screened here in Placement, I'll then review you for invitations. Our placement assistant may contact you if any information is still needed. We usually arrange placement six to eight weeks after medical clearance."
That part was a disappointment... the first PO told us it would be 2 to 4 weeks, and now it's 6 to 8. I'm hopeful that since I sent her my final transcript the placement assistant won't need any extra information and there won't be any extra delays.
Eight weeks from the date of our medical clearance puts us at March 8, so we'll try to be patient until then.