Like traveling back in time
>> Sunday, May 27, 2007
Yesterday a group of us had to go to Managua to observe classes at one of the universities and a few of us decided to stay in town for a little while and for a lot of reasons we didn't make it back home until 7:30 (after dark). Even though I told my host mom that Holly and I might be gone all day we got a stern talking to when we got home. On one hand it is really great to know that my host family is worrying about us, but at the same time I haven't been treated like a little kid for a long time and it's really strange. My mom even threatened half-jokingly to spank us like niños.
I don't know if this is related or not, but this morning my host mom came into my room and looked pretty dismayed at all of the books, backpacks, and clothes strewn about and told me to clean my room today, and I didn't get the impression that there's any flexibility in that request.
Ok, I need to go because my parents told me that if I don't study this afternoon for my big algebra test, I'll be grounded for the whole week and won't even get to go to the big pep rally for the football game!
I'm glad your host Mom is keeping a close eye on the both of you!
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