Living la Vida Rica
>> Monday, May 26, 2008
It’s been a little hard to readjust to regular life when just a week ago we were in Granada staying in a great hotel, eating spaghetti and garlic bread, and having our fill of sangria. Though we originally worried that the strike might ruin my mom and Laura's trip, it probably helped; we rented a car and were able to tourist ourselves through 5 departments here in Nicaragua.
When my mom and sister got in, their bags were bulging with goodies from
This is a view of Granada’s famous rooftops from the belltower.
On Saturday we drove up Volcán Mombacho to go on the canopy tour; this is a difficult task in a Toyota Yaris, but it's less difficult than having to hike up. One of the guides with us became our official photographer, so now we have plenty of pictures to document our valor and bravery.

In the afternoon we drove down to the Laguna de Apoyo. It's really close to Masaya, but we had never gone down to the bottom before. A rental car with air conditioning was just the motivation we needed.

She was off of her leash and got to run around as she pleased.
Dora took advantage of the extra attention from Laura and my mom, too.
On Sunday we went to San Juan del Sur and stayed at a super nice resort with all kinds of pools and fancy rich people. Somehow Dora was allowed here, too.

It was great to travel around and eat amazing food, but after traveling through Carazo and intruducing my mom to my Nica mom, on Monday we had to come back to Masaya. The last meal of the trip--grilled chicken, tejadas, and gallo pinto from Doña Emilina's--was pretty good, too.

what an awesome trip! i can't wait to come back. i miss you guys so much, and it was great to be able to put some real-life experience for my cognitive maps for where you are in the world, as opposed to my wild imagination. i miss my niece-dog, and i think jerry is a little jealous that the silly algae-eating/eye-rolling picture is my new screen saver. also, gallo pinto just isn't the same without those tasty plantain chips and chiles. but i tried.
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