The Streets Are Full I
>> Monday, October 13, 2008
Last year, San Jerónimo's parade came as a surprise to me. This year, we were ready. Masaya's fiestas patronales began a couple of weeks ago with the hipica horse parade and the running of the bulls (we stayed safely inside the house for that one). Then last Tuesday there was no class because it was again time for San Jerónimo and sidekick San Miguel to go parading up and down every street in Masaya. Tuesday came and went with no parade, so Wednesday I went off to school because my counterpart had said that there would be class. I arrived at school to find about 4 teachers and 15 students, so had to turn right back around to go home. When I made it home, the streets were completely full with people and one of my students (who knew better than to go to school) told me that San Jerónimo was just about to pass. I went inside, grabbed the camera, and took a few pictures.
Here's the loud band passing by.Here are the obligatory beer carts and mobile barbeque stations.
And here is a (loud!) video of San Jerónimo passing by with the huge crowd running behind. Paul thought the video had been sped up, but they really were running this fast.
Just as quickly as they ran by, everyone disappeared and the street was quiet again. Filled to the brim with trash, but quiet.
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