Mother's Day
>> Thursday, June 04, 2009
To have been posted May 30, 2009
May 30th is Mother’s Day in Nicaragua, one of the biggest holidays of the year. School is canceled the Friday before, and the Thursday before is a big assembly for all the moms to come and be celebrated. Here’s one of my school’s many murals dedicated to mothers:
Last weekend we finally traveled back to Carazo to visit our Nicaraguan moms and catch up with them one last time. It really didn’t feel like more than two years ago that we first arrived at their houses for training and started our service here, and we were shocked to see how much our host siblings had grown. Here were Williamcito and Claudia in June 2007:
And here they are now with some bubbles we gave them:
Here’s Paul’s host sister Alejandra two years ago:
And here she is with Paul now:
Happy Mother’s Day to our Nica moms… we really do appreciate all the work they did for us, all the patience they had for us, and everything they taught us. We will miss them a lot!

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